Saturday, September 30, 2006

Happy Birthday to Inx!

Need on suurimad kyylnad tordil, mida ma olen eales synniaevaks saanud.

Synnipaeva tegevuseks oli meil 4 rattalise soidukiga liivamagedes 2,5 h. rallitamine. See oli lobusam kui ykski Ameerika magede soit. Alles mae servale joudes oli naha milline kukkumine sealt alla oli, kuid siis ei olnud enam muud voimalust kui tunnetada kohu kodinat ja tuult juustes.
Soovitan kuumalt koigile. (Hind - 400.- namibi dollarit. $1=7 namibia doltsi)

So for those keeping track, Ingrid celebrated her 27th birthday on Sunday, September 24th. It was a sleepy affair based out of the seaside Namibian village of Swakopmund (A.K.A. The Adrenaline Capitol of Africa). We kicked things off on Saturday with a leisurly scenic flight over the sand dunes, from which we proceeded to jump out of at 10,000 ft.

Paev enne synnat sai kaidud langevarjuga hyppamas. Jargnev enese yletamine, mida ma ei kahetse.
Lennuk oli nii vaike, et sinna ei mahtunudki rohkem kui lendur ja 5 inimest. Onneks votsin ma jalle eelneval ohtul ja tund aega enne ohku tousmist oma tableti sisse et mul paha ei hakkaks ja see andis mul voimaluse end ja kukkumist nautida.
Kui me olime joudnud 10 000 jala korgusele yhendasid meie kaaslendajad(opetajad) meid ploksuga enda kylge, sekund hiljem avati uks ja enne kui ma reageeridagi joudsin oli Adam lennukist kadunud.
Hetk hiljem rippusid mul jalad lennukist valjas, mida tugev tuul paremale rebis.
Mu reaktsioon oli rabada lennuki servast kinni, kuid mu juht selja taga pani mu kaed mu rinnale, nagu eelnevalt kokku lepitud ja ta kummardus ette, millega me kukerpallitades lennukist valja kukkusime umbes 145-215 km/h. TApselt ei tea, kuid kiirus oli nii suur, et mul oli raskusi hingamisega, kuid 10 sekundit hiljem, avanes langevari ja ylejaanud 5-6 min. olid fantast. Nyyd oli voimalik hingata, nautida vaadet ja isegi raakida vahe. (Minust tehti ka vaike video, mida on huvilistel kunagi voimalik vaadata). (Hind-1300.- Namibia doltsi). Hinnad on huvilistele kes lihtsalt tahavad asju ja tegevusi vorrelda voi endale plaanide tegemiseks.

After soaring like a bird, we rested that evening and spent the following afternoon (her actual birthday) Quadbiking around the Namib desert and along skeleton coast.

After that we headed back out into the desert in pursuit of more nowhere.

Sorry for the brief post, internet is hard to come by here in Botswana. More to come.....

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Crossing the Namib Desert

Greetings Everybody. Communication has fallen off recently as we've been progressing across the Namib desert and what can only be described as the most miserable environment on earth. Yeah, pretty much. I guess when I looked at all those posters and postcards of the desert and the dunes from the comfort of my home I assumed the real locations would be equally cozy as say, my couch.

And thus Adam is introduced to the vast difference between myth, and reality.

The desert sucks.

Nyyd on meil siis kaidud ka korbes, mis oli omamoodi fantast kogemus. Nii kui astusime oma suurest masinast maha-oli liiv silmas, korvas ja igas muus kohas kus sa seda ka ette ei kujutaks. Kogemus oli muidugi kihvt, kilomeetrite viisi polnud muud kui ainult korb ja liiv. Isegi kui sa oleks pime, teaksid sa et oled joudnud liivasesse korbe, kuna liiv pidevalt krompsus hammaste all.

I have sand everywhere. Seriously, I didn't know it was possible to cough sand clouds. Ears, eyes, nose, tearducts, shirts, pants, shoes, tent, truck, food, did I mention ears? My personal favorite is when you shake your head and sand flies out of your hair. Big winner with me.

Sand aside, the beauty of the desert is top notch. We've driven roads to nowhere and just when you get to the middle of nowhere, you drive more nowhere.

Jargnev pilt on meie tyypiline vaade aknast, kus me jouame yhest sarnasest lopmatusest jalle sarnasesse lopmatusse.

See on meie truck! -vaga oluline, et me seda bussiks ei kutsu, kuna muidu on oht, et meie suur 2 m. Aafriklasest juht selle peale pahandab. Eesti keeles ma ei teagi mida mismoodi meie soidukit kutsuda. kUid siin ta on.

One of our early stops was at the Fish River Canyon - The Second largest canyon in the world. Can the American's out there guess which canyon is number one !?! (Quietly Chanting "U. S. A. , U. S. A. , U. S. A....)

Maailma teine suurim canyon, nyyd voime oelda et oleme molemad ara nainud!

We've begun spotting game (Gemsbock, Kudu, Springbok) and should start seeing the big predators next week. Except for the Great White Sharks, but you already knew that.

Like the other adventures, this has been an amazing learning experience. Walking through the desert with the Boesman (Bushman) was like a live Discover Channel. We played with desert beatles, lizards, spiders, and other creatures of the sands and visited remote natural wonders such as sossusvlei and dead vlei (you might want to goggle dead vlei).

We also climbed the 1000ft dunes for a sunset over the river valley, nice touch.

1000 jala korgune liivamagi, millelt oli ilus paikse loojanguline vaade. Ja kuigi mae tippu ronimine vottis ligi 30-40 min, oli allatulek umbes 30-40 sekundit.

This week comes to a close in the Namibian town of Swakopmund, better know as "Oh my God, that's where Brad and Angelina had their baby!". Planning to recharge and reload here before launching back out into the sands for the game parks to the north. We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Overlanding Africa

Okay, tomorrow we depart for our 45 day overland trip and excitement is running high. The route shown here will take us through 8 countries and more game parks and natural wonders than you can shake a stick at.

Pre-trip highlights are the Namibian sand dunes, Okavango Delta, Vic Falls, Zanzibar, and Serengeti. I'll have to post post-trip highlights when things wrap up.

We'll try to communicate while on the road, but have been warned that internet connectivity is garbage at best in most of these locations. In the event we don't get anything up in a while, you can look forward to a barrage of blogs when we arrive in Dubai come November.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Scots in SA

Kes oleks uskunud, et me Adamiga veedame ohtu Louna Aafrikas tantsides Soti rahvustantse.
Koik algas sellest kui me laksime Waterfront'i (vee aarde) vaatama tanava komoodiat mis oli yle maailma sinna kokku reisinud. Parast minu mustkunstniku trikke laval votsime molemad Adamiga osa Soti rahvatantsust mida koha peal opetati. Meie julguse ja tantsu eest laval, kingiti meile piletid nende Soti tantsu ohtule, millest vottis osa ligi 100 inimest. Ise pole veel sotimaale joudnudki, kuid enamus tantsud on nyyd vist selged kyll.

Township time

Township---Eesti keeles lihtsalt kyla.(otsene tolge oleks kyll kyla-laev)

Kahjuks ei ole mul hetkel paremaid pilte townshipidest Louna Aafrikas, kuna see on vaesete kohalike kylad, kuhu sa ei taha tingimata omapead minna.

Kylad asuvad suurlinnade lahedal, kus yks elamu on praktiliselt teise otsas. Majad on ehitatud papist, plekist, puidust, koikvoimalikest asjadest mis vahegi voimalik. Osadel on isegi elekter olemas, kust siis kogu ylejaanud kyla ka omale juhtmed tombab. Meie grupi juht raakis uhkusega kuidas neile 1994 a. opetati kuidas prygikasti kasutada, nii et nyyd nad teavad, et mitte oma paska koikjale porandale visata.

Me lootsime kyll kylastada kylakest kui heategevusega, kuid vaid yheks paevaks ei olnud seda voimalik teha. Teine varjant oli minna ekskursiooniga, kus sind pannakse bussi ja siis saad labi akna pilte teha kui sealt labi soidad. Kuid see oli meile vastuvotmatu varjant, kuna ma ei tahtnud olla situatsioonis, kus ma kohalikest kui looma aias pildistades mooda soidan.

Me leidsime aga endale sobiva varjandi, kus meid voeti hostelist peale, viidi townsipi kohalikku paari, kus me nendega koos moned tunnid veetsime. (Yritus laks maksma 225 ran'i inimese kohta. $1=umbes 7 ran'i). Meile valmistati 5-6 erinevat kohalikku rooga, mis 0lid tohutult maitsvad. Noored kohalikud poisid naitasid ja opetasid meile oma tanava tantsu oskuseid. Meile esines kohalik meeste koor(kift aafrika momin, ostsime neilt ka cd-80 rani). Ja inimesed olid lihtsalt vorratud, toredad ja lahked. Kahju et aeg nii ruttu otsa sai. Enne kui meid koju viidi kusisid poisid luba tulla meid saatma. Loomulikult ei olnud meil selle vastu midagi ja see andis meile voimaluse nendega vahe suhelda. Kui me pussist maha ronisime, oli neil juba moned eesti keelsed laused selged, ja nad karjusid meile takka, Head ood . Ma armastan sind!

So there will be a running theme for this blog that most articles will be published in both Estonian and English. Be sure to scroll around the blog regularly so you don't miss any of the exciting updates!

The other night Ingrid and I visited the townships surrounding Cape Town. Rather than take the bus tour and drive through the townships snapping pictures of the residents, we hired locals to take us into a shebeen (township bar) and spent the night dining and dancing with the people. As expected, it was quite a cultural experience.

Despite living in squalor, the people of the townships demonstrate an incredible zeal for life. It's easy to understand why singing and dancing plays such an important role in the lives of these people, as they have literally nothing else.

Most of the inhabitants of the townships are farmers and country folk who have moved to the cities in search of a better life. While the townships seem appalling to outsiders, many describe them as a necessary step in pursuit of a goal and there is some serious optimism within the youth. I met an 18 year old boy who's in 9th grade and hopes to become a Chemical Engineer one day. Can't recall too many American 9th graders that want to become ChemE's.

I'll withold additional, personal perspectives on the townships because I'm sure it's a unique experience for everyone. But I will advise anyone visiting South Africa to be sure and make a visit while you're here.

Shark cage diving

Meie elamus Hai kalakestega vees olles oli paris ponev, kuigi pean ausalt tunnistama, et seda haid me kahjuks ise ei kohanud.
See pilt on aga tehtud siiski samas kohas kus me sukeldusime, kuna huvitaval kombel on SA yks ainsamaid kohti kus Haid sukelduvad sygavasse orgu, kus nad siis heal hetkel ryndavad neist ylal ujuvaid hylgeid. Seda tehes hyppavad nad veest valja nagu pildil naha, mis on iseenesest vaga haruldane haidele.
Kyll oli meil aga voimalus naha paadist ja trellide tagant vees umbes 4-5 erinevat haid kes aega ajalt meie paadi ymber tiirutasid.

Kuigi elamus oli vahva, oli meie reisi paev siiski yks kehvemaid, kuna muidu on rohkem haisid korraga valjas ja on ka juhtunud kus hail on jaanud nina trellide vahele kinni ja hai on hypanud varava peale, enne kui see ise jouti kinni panna.
Nii siis onnestus meil kogeda miskit ainulaatset, mis muidu maksis 900 ran'i inimese kohta, kuid kuna meie reis ei olnud nii hea kui tavaliselt anti meile kinkekaardid, et voime seda reisi tasuta korrata yhe aasta jooksul. Kahjuks on meil aeg otsas ja pole aega seda teha, kuid kes meile piletid myys, ytles, et ta on nous need piletid tagasi ostma. Nii siis voib juhtuda, et meil onnestus Adamiga kogeda haidega kongis ujumist taitsa tasuta.

Right, so for those of you that missed the Estonian classes in highschool, here's the translation.

What makes Adam get up at 4:40am while on vacation? Shark Cage Diving!!!

That's right. The other day we popped up before the sun so we could play "guess who's dinner" with the most feared predator of the sea* the Great White Shark. (Most feared predator contingent on the reader not being plakton, in which case you're more concerned with blue whales than sharks).

Anyway, that top photo you see is not fake. The unique topography of the ocean floor in False Bay coupled with the massive fur seal colony makes this the only place in the world where Great White Sharks actually breach while feeding. The 1200kg predators dive to the ocean floor then motor to the surface to catch unsuspecting seals. While it appears more science fiction than fact, there are more than enough tours, postcards, and posters to convert the most hardened naysayer. The downside to a colony of 50,000 seals, they smell like 50,000 sweatsocks after the Boston marathon.

So how was the experience? exhausting. We headed out into 10ft swells to view the sharks. In a great twist of irony, Ingrid, the person who gets motion sickness on playground equipment, stomached the trip just fine while "to tough for dramamine" Adam spent some time chumming the water on the heave side of the boat.

Once everyone was done getting sick, we suited up in wetsuits and jumped in the balmy 50 degree F (14 C) water. Let's just say the sharks weren't the only chilling aspect of the trip.

Once in the water we got to play "who goes where on the foodchain" with the sharks. It was quite a learning experience as you realized the sharks aren't just mindless attack machines. They actually look at you and follow you with their eyes as they move past. They pass by their targets several times, trying to decide if and when to attack. Once they've made up their mind that it's time to eat, they move so fast it's astounding. They lull around for the longest time then come out of nowhere to destroy their targets! That's the exciting part.

Ultimately this proved to be a tremendous learning experience, but I'll save the Dr. Echter testimony for later.

Sorry for not having more pictures, we were pretty much caught up in the experience.

And Mom, we'll chalk this up to the "tell me after it's over" pact we made when I started traveling.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Cape Town, South Africa

Tere koigile.
Otsustasin siiski lisada ka moned read eesti keeles ja labi oma silmade.
Et teha kokkuvote sellest mis Adam on juba kirjutanud, voin oelda, et alustasime oma reisi Louna Aafrikast kus me hetkel viibime ja plaanime kokku veeta umbes 2,5 nadalat.
Enne seda otsustasin ma aga oma juuksed maha loigata, et siis oleks nendega vahem tegelemist ja sampooni kulu. Algul ei olnud ma otsuses kindel, kuid nyyd olen omadega vaga rahul.
Reis Eestist Hollandisse ja sealt SA(louna Aafrikasse) oli fantast kuna tanu Adami tiheda lendamise tottu, onnestus tal kogutud punktide eest osta/vahetada meile Eestist-Aafrikasse ja Louna Ameerikast-Eesti piletid esimeses klassis. Ma poleks uskunud, et 11h lennukis voiks tunduda liiga lyhikesena. Meid poputati pehmete voodi-toolide, toitude, filmide ja kingitustega ja moni ime et ma sellisest mugavusest parast 11 h. loobuda ei tahtnud.
Amsterdam oli fantast!. Ilus, puhas, huvitav, kuid piisav yheks kaheks paevaks, et sellest maiku saada. Punaste tulukeste tanav oli huvitav, kuid samas nukker, kuna tydrukud (naised) kes akendel ja ustel seisid olid toesti ilusad ja noored(loomulikult leidus seal ka naisi muudele maitsetele). Kahju et nad oma elus ei ole miskit paremat leidnud.
Kuna meil Adamiga jargneva lennuki peale oli kovasti aega otsustasime end sisse elada kohalikku ellu, veetes 2h vaadates elavat pornot, mis tundus seal olevat vaga loomulik.

Louna Aafrikasse(S.A.) joudes avanes minu jaoks uus elustiil--elades Hostelites. Hostel on nagu vaga odav hotell, kus sa jagad yht ruumi (ruumis on umb 3-6 nari voodit, 6-12 inimesele). Koridoris on WCd ja dussiruumid. Ja eemal on kook ja teleka tuba. Mul onnestus oma uut kogemust rahulikul viisil sisse elada, kuna esime oo saime me Adamiga endale 6se toa, kus me olime ainsad. Jargmine oo vahetasime hostelit, mis oli kyl puhtam ja kenam, kuid jagasime seda yhe naisterahvaga. Parast seda tuli iga paev 2 inimest juurde. Kuid nyyd olen ma sellega taiesti harjunud ja voin oelda et mulle isegi meedib see, kuna sind ymbritsevad pidevalt huvitavad ja toredad inimesed, kellega on tore vahetada jutte ja kogemusi.

Rahayhik Louna Aafrikas(S.A) on Rand, mis on umbes $1= 7 rand.
S.A iseenesest on tohutult ilus. Suurte magede alla kylge on ehitatud linnad mida praktiliselt koikjal ymbritseb vesi. Kuid arusaamatult siiski ei meeldi mulle siin!?
Cape Towni pohi tunnusmark voiks oelda on Table mountain-"Laud magi", mille nimetuse kohta pole tarvis kysida nahes mage. Seda teeb huvitavaks aga pilved, mis aeg ajalt laua mae kohale kogunevad ja sealt siis sona otseses mottes alla voolavad ja aihtuvad. Kohalikud kutsuvad seda valgeks laudlinaks.
Teha on siin piisavalt(ronida magedes, surfata, ujuda haidega, mis iganes) ja naha on tohutult(oleme magedes ronides jaganud tee rada karvaste loomade, jaanalindude,pingviinide ja muude leukatega, vaatasime mitmeid vaalasid, kes siia on yle maailma kogunenud, et uusi vaalakesi sigitada.), kuid vaesus on vist siiski see, mis mind hairib.

Siin suhtutakse valgetesse sarnaselt nagu USAs mustadesse. Kohalikud valged kurtsid, et nendel on voimatu mingit normaalset tood siin saada, kuna seadused nouavad et igal alal peab olema teatud # musti/(muuseas nad tahavad et neid mustadeks kutsutakse, kus USAs void sa selle eest tappa saada). See tottu on ka probleem, et inimesed kes riiki juhivad ei ole tingimata isegi kooli haridust saanud. Nagu tehti meile naide, et kui president oli maganud naisterahvaga kellel oli aids ja siis talt kysiti, et kui sa teadsid et naisel on aids, miks sa ei kasutanud kondoomi voi votsid selle riski. Voite olla mureta, ma kaisin parast dussi all. Voi siis otsustati teha miskit head, et jagada valja suur ports kondoome koos kasutamis opetusega. Et siis pager ara ei kaoks, kinnitati need ilusti stapeliga.(loks mis teeb automaatselt asjale augud sisse, et paberit kinnitada).
Paljudele kodututele on antud voimalus tood teha, valvates autosid parklates. Nende teenustasu on toit, esemed ja jootraha, mida inimesed neile jatavad.(isiklikult tunneks ma muidugi kindlamalt kui nad mu auto juures ei oleks aga noh)
Mis mulle arvatavasti hasti ei istu on see, et need vaesed mustad on sul pidevalt ees ja naos kinni. Kui punase tule taha seisma jaad, pakutakse sulle koik voimalikku alates lilledest, lehtedest kuni manguasjadeni valja.

Yldiselt konnime me ringi kus vaja kuid siin on alati voimalus hypata taksosse voi auto bussidesse, mis iga 10 sekundi jooksul mooda soidavad ja tuututavad, et sa nendega jargnevasse kohta reisiks.
Kui me otsustasime Adamiga vahe ringi reisida ja minna kylastama laane koige lounapoolsemat tippu(mis on vaidetavaclt yks puhtamaid varske ohu kohti maailmas), vaalasid ja lille valjasid(seda kutsutakse siin God's garden-"jumala aed"). Lilled oitsevad korra aastas-kevadel, mis on praegu septembris ja mis on imeline selle juures on see, et tegelt on see korb ja seal ei ole aastaringi mingit elu. Kui kaugelt vaadata on see rohekas, kollane, roosa vali. Kuid kui minna lahedale, leiab sealt koiksugu ilusaid lilli ja taimi.
Need vaatamised said tehtud "Susiga".

"Susie" oli meie vana Volkswaagen buss. Ta hoidis meid alati varvukil, kuna me ei olnud kunagi kindlad, kas Susie jargmine kord soitma minnes kavatseb kaivituda voi ei. Esimese poole tunni jooksul parast Susi rentimist oli meil juba tarvis kohalike abi, et Susit jalle kaima saaks. Janu oli tal kovasti ja magedes ei viitsind ta eriti turnida. Kyll oli meil aga taga tore ja tal olid pehmed lahtikaivad madrats toolid, kus me oma ood reisil veetsime. Max kiirus mis Susie oli nous tegema oli 90 km/h alla suurt mage. Ja nii kui hakkasime yles mage liikuma, laks kiirus 10 sekundi jooksul 90lt-70le ja sealt 50-le, mis vaevalt suutis mae tippu meid venitada.
PArema jala lihased jaid ka kiirelt haigeks kuna pidev tunne on et tahaks gaasi pedaalile vajutada kahe jalaga. Kuid hoolimata kui kovasti vajutada(gaas pohjas) otsustas Susie ise kui kiirelt ta viitsib kuhugi minna.
Igal juhul oli vahva.

Ilmad on olnud monusad. Nende kevad algas moned paevad tagasi ja temperatuur on just paras. Paeval voib ohukeste riietega ringi liikuda ja ohtuks viskad jaki peale.

Mis veel?
Ykspaev kui ronisime "Laua Mae"otsa, kohtusime yhe UUs Meremaa paariga, kes siin kuu puhkavad. Laheme tana jalle neile kylla ja nad juba ytlesid et kui me kord Uus Meremaale jouame, on neil piisavalt tuttavaid seal kelle juures me voiks peatuda.
Praeguseks vist ongi koik. Nadalaparast alustame oma reisi Kenya poole, kus me peaks kohtuma igasugu huvitavate inimest, paikade ja loomadega.
Peatse kuulmiseni!

Friday, September 08, 2006

And along came suzie!

Always a glutton for punishment, Adam decided to up the ante on his time in Cape Town by traveling with not one woman, but two. We met Suzie while at a hostel in Cape Town. The proposal was simple. We would travel the surrounding areas of Cape Town as a trio thus reducing transportation and accommodation expenses. Although a bit of the vintage hipster granola type, Suzie came across as a fun and reliable travel partner so we said, what the heck and set off for adventure. Over the next week we rambled through the Southwest corner of Africa and took in some amazing sights.

First stop was Cape Point, I'll be publishing a separate post on that location later but for now, lets just call it windy.

After visiting the Point we wandered up to Simon's town to visit the local penguin population. There's something about small flightless birds that never loses its entertainment value. Here we were able to wander the beach with the penguins and interact directly with the little buggers. These guys were a riot, just tripping and crapping all over one another, priceless.

Next we puttered around False Bay to Hermanus, the Southern Right Whale capital of the world. Suzie, Ingrid and I camped on the beach and were able to watch the whales right from the shore. These whales make a 15,000km round trip each year to the Antarctic Ocean then back to Hermanus to Calve.

While we were there, the older males were teaching the younger males courting rituals that make holding doors and buying drinks look like child's play. These whales were breeching!, a.k.a. jumping completely out of the water! It was wild to watch the worlds largest mammals jumping, splashing, slapping their tails, waving their fins, and generally goofing off about 250m from shore. Made me wonder just how much rum was required to get those first sailors to hop in a wooden dingy and attempt to hunt such huge animals.

Leaving the whales behind we made our way at a leisurely pace on to wine country. It was during this segment of the journey that we discovered Suzie was not comfortable going more than 80km/h no matter what and felt the need to slow things down to about 40km/h for rugged terrain such as America's Nebraska. No matter, we have nothing but time.

While in Stellenbosch wine country, we stumbled across Simonsig, the winery that made two of the wines served at our wedding in Estonia. The employees were delighted to host their first Estonian and uncorked their best champagne.

We left wine country and headed North to flower country. It's still difficult to wrap our minds around the fact that we're in spring time here in the Southern Hemisphere, but it means the flowers are in bloom. (Guys, try not to lose your cool the way I did when I learned about flower season in the Cape)

In short, everything grows here in the cape. There is more flora variety in the Cape Point National Park then in all the British Isles. America has 37 varieties of some obscure blossoming flower all within California, South Africa has 14,000 (yes, 14,000) varieties of that flower on their western coast. "Flower Season" occurs right now, a few 100km North of Cape Town, when massive fields of these flowers come into bloom. It's Martha Stewart's dream garden and Woody Allen's nightmare all rolled into one.

Though he won't go so far as to call this "cool", Adam was impressed with a field of Lilly and Bird of Paradise, and other flowers that sell for several dollars each in the States. Here the locals use the lilly's as bandages?!? Oh, and the ginormous fields of pollen toting flowers has resulted in ginormous Bumble Bees and Wasps. Seriously, the Bumble Bees sound like Huey's and the Wasps look like they could take out a raccoon, it's really unnerving.

From flower country we rolled back to Cape Town along the coast and took in some getaway towns along the way. Yzerfontaine took the prize of Ingrid's favorite town on the trip with meticulously maintained beachfront cottages surrounded by white sand and purple flowers. We met Chris, she owns a cleaning company, and she took us inside a beachfront home imported from Bali. The home consisted of two glass walls and if it weren't for the neighbors, it would have had four. Simply breathtaking.

Ultimately Suzie proved to be an excellent travel partner and only needed to be spurred on once. Should you be in the area and want to travel with Suzie, she can be reached at . Speak to Cliff and ask for the vintage VW bus with the Chromed Snakehead gearshift and the Zebra window dressing, He'll treat you right and so will Suzie.