Crossing the Namib Desert
And thus Adam is introduced to the vast difference between myth, and reality.
The desert sucks.
Nyyd on meil siis kaidud ka korbes, mis oli omamoodi fantast kogemus. Nii kui astusime oma suurest masinast maha-oli liiv silmas, korvas ja igas muus kohas kus sa seda ka ette ei kujutaks. Kogemus oli muidugi kihvt, kilomeetrite viisi polnud muud kui ainult korb ja liiv. Isegi kui sa oleks pime, teaksid sa et oled joudnud liivasesse korbe, kuna liiv pidevalt krompsus hammaste all.
I have sand everywhere. Seriously, I didn't know it was possible to cough sand clouds. Ears, eyes, nose, tearducts, shirts, pants, shoes, tent, truck, food, did I mention ears? My personal favorite is when you shake your head and sand flies out of your hair. Big winner with me.
Sand aside, the beauty of the desert is top notch. We've driven roads to nowhere and just when you get to the middle of nowhere, you drive more nowhere.
Jargnev pilt on meie tyypiline vaade aknast, kus me jouame yhest sarnasest lopmatusest jalle sarnasesse lopmatusse.
See on meie truck! -vaga oluline, et me seda bussiks ei kutsu, kuna muidu on oht, et meie suur 2 m. Aafriklasest juht selle peale pahandab. Eesti keeles ma ei teagi mida mismoodi meie soidukit kutsuda. kUid siin ta on.
One of our early stops was at the Fish River Canyon - The Second largest canyon in the world. Can the American's out there guess which canyon is number one !?! (Quietly Chanting "U. S. A. , U. S. A. , U. S. A....)
Maailma teine suurim canyon, nyyd voime oelda et oleme molemad ara nainud!
We've begun spotting game (Gemsbock, Kudu, Springbok) and should start seeing the big predators next week. Except for the Great White Sharks, but you already knew that.
Like the other adventures, this has been an amazing learning experience. Walking through the desert with the Boesman (Bushman) was like a live Discover Channel. We played with desert beatles, lizards, spiders, and other creatures of the sands and visited remote natural wonders such as sossusvlei and dead vlei (you might want to goggle dead vlei).We also climbed the 1000ft dunes for a sunset over the river valley, nice touch.
1000 jala korgune liivamagi, millelt oli ilus paikse loojanguline vaade. Ja kuigi mae tippu ronimine vottis ligi 30-40 min, oli allatulek umbes 30-40 sekundit.
This week comes to a close in the Namibian town of Swakopmund, better know as "Oh my God, that's where Brad and Angelina had their baby!". Planning to recharge and reload here before launching back out into the sands for the game parks to the north. We'll keep you posted.
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