Thursday, January 18, 2007

China Part 2 - Xi'an (a.k.a. She-Anne)

Right, so, 17 hours of crying Chinese infant and an overnight train from Beijing later, Ingrid and I awoke (kinda) in the Central Chinese City of Xi'an, famed end of "The Silk Road". People travel from all over the Globe to view the Xi'an city wall, bell tower, drum tower, great mosque, and Muslim Quarter. I feel like I'm missing something........Oh Yeah, the Terra Cotta Warriors, Duh!

This army of some 8,000 clay soldiers is 30km East of Xi'an and guards over the tomb of the Qing ruler, emperor Makingupforshortcomingsious Complexious (Bet you didn't realize the Chinese used Latin sounding names, eh?).

Researchers have unearthed over 2,000 of the estimated 8,000 figured buried at the sight since villagers stumbled across the tomb while digging a water well in the 1970's.

These stalwart warriors are each unique and comprise a full military regiment of their time. Archers, Infantry, Calvalry, the gangs all there. Our personal favorite we dubbed the "Buddy soldier" after the Infamous "Buddy Christ" in the film Dogma. Although unable to capture "Buddy soldier" on film due to lighting and distance, he stood proud in the center of his troops with a flaming thumbs-up flashing from his right hand. Historians would argue that this was how he released the locks on his crossbow, but we know they misunderstood the humor in what the artist was trying to create. After all, if the ancient Chinese aren't known for their humor, what are they known for?

I digress. You're probably familiar with the images above or the tremendous details of each character as demonstrated here.

What you're not familiar with is this.....

The entire army was buried in a 5 meter high vault constructed from questionable building materials which collapsed centuries ago and destroyed most all the warriors. The ones on display today are the few dozen that didn't get smashed to smithereens or reconstructions of the broken warriors. Regardless of the whole "maybe the giant ceiling was unnecessary" debacle, the sight remains impressive and I'm glad to have visited. Though I question if entombing them in a giant ceilinged steel and concrete structure manufactured of 70's era Chinese cement was the best idea.........(some people never learn)

The last remaining question at this point for visitors to our Blog should be "What's more impressive, the vastness of the terra cotta army OR the vastness of Adam's new facial hair????? Some questions have no answers.

Other great sights in Xi'an included the aforementioned bell tower, shown here.

The Massive City Wall encircling the city with 13km of "Don't mess with me"

The World's Largest water fountain in which you can frolic DURING the show.

And the Muslim Quarter. This was the unofficial end of the silk road spanning Northern Africa to China and the Cultural influence of the traders is prevalent in the city's architecture, cuisine, and character (though I question if a bicycle rickshaw full of Pork Product would be acceptable in the Middle East!).

Finally, Xi'an marked a transition in our travels from "Westernized China" to "Stereotypical China". This last photo depicts "snacks" on display in the narrow streets of Xi'an and a shop owner preparing for lunch. Gotta love it.

A hawker tried to sell Ingrid and I Mink Skin, Sheep Skin, and Wolf Skin....Closer inspection revealed Cat Skin, St. Bernard Skin, and (as if St. Bernard weren't awful enough) German Shepard Skin. It was a rough day when Ingrid and I found the Canine Cuisine District.

Et jalle aega kokku hoida ja kiiremini louna poole sooja saada, votsime me Beijingist oise rongi Xi'an-ni et kylastada Terracotta sodalasi.
Kylastajatele vaatamiseks on vaid vaike osa 8000 maetud soja kujudest, kes ligi 200 a.e.k maeti maa alla, et valitsejat parast surma jargmises elus kaitsta.
Siit voite rohkem selle kohta lugeda:

Yllatus leid Xi'an-is, mida meil onnestus naha, oli Aasia, voibolla ka kogu maailma, koige suurema muusika-purskaevu etendus. Siiani oli Las Vegase oma minu jaoks koige vapustavam, kuid see Xi'ani oma oli kovasti suurem ja paris vahva, kuna seal sai ka purskava vee vahelt labi kaija ilma et vaga marjaks saaks.
Muud vaatamis vaarsused olid jarjekordsed Hiina templid, mille katused mulle vaga meeldivad. Kuid pika peale on need igal pool enam vahem samad.
Linna ymbritses suur ja yks vanimaid sailinud myyre Hiinas, mis andis linnale oma ilusa omapara ja veel niket, naket siin ja seal


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