Viet Nam Mekong Delta
And So I'm Back! From Outer Space. I just logged in to find you here with that sad look upon your face....
So I fell behind Ingrid in the blogging, AGAIN, but I have a really good excuse, I just can't tell you.
Anywho, where was I? Ah yes, the Mekong Delta.
This would be one of those places where you feel like a
Once the location of ferocious battles, the Mekong has now become a location of ferocious tourism. Sadly, we fed the dog by taking a one day tour. We explored the Delta the same way the locals do, aboard 60 person capacity seated long boats with our Jungle guide ensuring we didn't miss anything! (I feel so dirty sharing this with all of you. Please don't think less of us. We were young, we needed the money, it was a mistake but it happened, now all we have to do is move on.)
Other "traditional" experiences included visiting a Bee farm.
Playing with the wildlife (Or perhaps, I played, he tried to constrict my breathing by wrapping himself around my neck shortly after this photo was taken - silly snake)
Drinking the Snake wine (More as an act of revenge against the above python than for the flavor. While snake wine is not the worst thing I have ever tasted, you'd be surprised how few things taste worse than it.)
Paddling down a tributary (She paddled, We Sat)
And generally feeling like Dweebs.
On the plus side, we did come across "The angriest man in sculpture" (See the Estonian 2 Kroon Note for "The angriest man in currency"; a la Tim McCollough)
And were exposed to the Flagwavingest group of people I've ever met!
It's like a small Nebraskan town with a flag making factory.
In an attempt to really boost those Tourist Dollars, the locals have begun referring to the Mekong Delta cities at "the Rivera of Asia". That's right, Not "The Rivera of the Delta", "The Rivera of Viet Nam", or even "The Rivera of this armpit of a community" - No folks, they're going for ASIA. Take that Hong Kong and Singapore, what with your Glass Towers, Quays and Waterfront dinning. THIS is what the people want! Long skinny boats with standing pilots and homes that merge seamlessly with the water. "Stand up Damn you! The tourist is taking a photo!"
Seamless integration of the Mekong River into the home. Complete with flotsam and jetsam. We've even integrated the shower facilities.
Who's First World now Sucka!
Another Highlight of the Delta was that it proved to be the location where Adam would reach the peak of his Shagginess.
In a last ditch effort to take in some local flavor, we stopped at this friendly road side Bamboo Barber to kick around a few facial hair concepts.
Ultimately, I saddled up for the first straight razor barber shave of my life.
Right about the time I realized a Vietnamese resident of the Mekong Delta was holding a razor to my throat, I managed to utter "we're cool on that whole American War thing right Bro?" He just smiled.
The Photos in Ingrid's section depict the Cu Chi Tunnels. This was a 215km tunnel system that webbed its way through an area just North of Saigon. We toured tunnels that once housed thousands of VC soldiers and were the location of devastating carpet bombing and ground attack missions. I didn't have the capacity to take out my camera and start taking pictures as my mind raced through what a horrific environment that must have been to try and fight a bloody war in. And that's all I have to say about that.
Delta ise-enesest tasub kylastamist et naha kuidas inimesed ilusatel saartel ja nende kallastel elavad,
kuid kahjuks pead sa seda tegema kui turist, kus sulle koik asjad kaasa arvatud paadi soudmine ette taha ara tehakse. Palju enam nauditav oleks olnud liuelda era kanuudega monusalt mooda ojasid, kuid sellist voimaust ei pakutud.
Kyll aga viidi suur grupp turiste bussist laevale ja sealt vaiksemale paadile ja siis saarele, kus oli voimalik naha meetarusid, maitsta kookose kommi (mille valmistamist me nagime), hoida ussi ja juua selle veini. Kohalikud usuvad et see annab meestele joudu ja aitab armastuses. Ma ei tea mis minuga peaks juhtuma kuna ma seda ussi myrkki maitsesin, kuna mulle oeldi, et see ei ole moeldud naistele.
Saigon linnast hoiduksin mina aga eemale ja veedaks enamus aja Hoi AnĂs voi HA Noi's ja Ha Long Bay'l. Saigon e. Ho Chi Minh City sarnanes vahe Indiale mis oli must ja kus oli tohutult inimesi ning mootorrattaid. Kuid linn on kuulus oma ajaloo poolest Ameerika ja Viet Nami soja parast. Muuseumis oli meil voimalik saada parem ylevaade mis seal kunagi toimus ja millega inimesed pidid ka parast soda oma elu jooksul yle elama.
Enne Riigist lahkumist kylastasime ka kuulsaid Cu Chi Tunneleid, mis ulatusid Vietnamist Cambodiasse. Cu Chi linna kandis ise oli juba 200 km. tunneleid nii, et voite ette kujutada kui lopmatud need tegelikult olid ja kui kaugele ulatusid.
Vietnamlased ei olnud rumalad. Augud tehti piisavalt vaiksed, et nende vaiksed kehad sealt labi mahuksid, kuid Ameeriklaste jaoks oli see oudus unenagu,kuna nad jaid neisse pidevalt kinni.
So I fell behind Ingrid in the blogging, AGAIN, but I have a really good excuse, I just can't tell you.
Anywho, where was I? Ah yes, the Mekong Delta.
This would be one of those places where you feel like a
Once the location of ferocious battles, the Mekong has now become a location of ferocious tourism. Sadly, we fed the dog by taking a one day tour. We explored the Delta the same way the locals do, aboard 60 person capacity seated long boats with our Jungle guide ensuring we didn't miss anything! (I feel so dirty sharing this with all of you. Please don't think less of us. We were young, we needed the money, it was a mistake but it happened, now all we have to do is move on.)
Other "traditional" experiences included visiting a Bee farm.
Playing with the wildlife (Or perhaps, I played, he tried to constrict my breathing by wrapping himself around my neck shortly after this photo was taken - silly snake)
Drinking the Snake wine (More as an act of revenge against the above python than for the flavor. While snake wine is not the worst thing I have ever tasted, you'd be surprised how few things taste worse than it.)
Paddling down a tributary (She paddled, We Sat)
And generally feeling like Dweebs.
On the plus side, we did come across "The angriest man in sculpture" (See the Estonian 2 Kroon Note for "The angriest man in currency"; a la Tim McCollough)
And were exposed to the Flagwavingest group of people I've ever met!
It's like a small Nebraskan town with a flag making factory.
In an attempt to really boost those Tourist Dollars, the locals have begun referring to the Mekong Delta cities at "the Rivera of Asia". That's right, Not "The Rivera of the Delta", "The Rivera of Viet Nam", or even "The Rivera of this armpit of a community" - No folks, they're going for ASIA. Take that Hong Kong and Singapore, what with your Glass Towers, Quays and Waterfront dinning. THIS is what the people want! Long skinny boats with standing pilots and homes that merge seamlessly with the water. "Stand up Damn you! The tourist is taking a photo!"
Seamless integration of the Mekong River into the home. Complete with flotsam and jetsam. We've even integrated the shower facilities.
Who's First World now Sucka!
Another Highlight of the Delta was that it proved to be the location where Adam would reach the peak of his Shagginess.
In a last ditch effort to take in some local flavor, we stopped at this friendly road side Bamboo Barber to kick around a few facial hair concepts.
Ultimately, I saddled up for the first straight razor barber shave of my life.
Right about the time I realized a Vietnamese resident of the Mekong Delta was holding a razor to my throat, I managed to utter "we're cool on that whole American War thing right Bro?" He just smiled.
The Photos in Ingrid's section depict the Cu Chi Tunnels. This was a 215km tunnel system that webbed its way through an area just North of Saigon. We toured tunnels that once housed thousands of VC soldiers and were the location of devastating carpet bombing and ground attack missions. I didn't have the capacity to take out my camera and start taking pictures as my mind raced through what a horrific environment that must have been to try and fight a bloody war in. And that's all I have to say about that.
Delta ise-enesest tasub kylastamist et naha kuidas inimesed ilusatel saartel ja nende kallastel elavad,
kuid kahjuks pead sa seda tegema kui turist, kus sulle koik asjad kaasa arvatud paadi soudmine ette taha ara tehakse. Palju enam nauditav oleks olnud liuelda era kanuudega monusalt mooda ojasid, kuid sellist voimaust ei pakutud.
Kyll aga viidi suur grupp turiste bussist laevale ja sealt vaiksemale paadile ja siis saarele, kus oli voimalik naha meetarusid, maitsta kookose kommi (mille valmistamist me nagime), hoida ussi ja juua selle veini. Kohalikud usuvad et see annab meestele joudu ja aitab armastuses. Ma ei tea mis minuga peaks juhtuma kuna ma seda ussi myrkki maitsesin, kuna mulle oeldi, et see ei ole moeldud naistele.
Saigon linnast hoiduksin mina aga eemale ja veedaks enamus aja Hoi AnĂs voi HA Noi's ja Ha Long Bay'l. Saigon e. Ho Chi Minh City sarnanes vahe Indiale mis oli must ja kus oli tohutult inimesi ning mootorrattaid. Kuid linn on kuulus oma ajaloo poolest Ameerika ja Viet Nami soja parast. Muuseumis oli meil voimalik saada parem ylevaade mis seal kunagi toimus ja millega inimesed pidid ka parast soda oma elu jooksul yle elama.
Enne Riigist lahkumist kylastasime ka kuulsaid Cu Chi Tunneleid, mis ulatusid Vietnamist Cambodiasse. Cu Chi linna kandis ise oli juba 200 km. tunneleid nii, et voite ette kujutada kui lopmatud need tegelikult olid ja kui kaugele ulatusid.
Vietnamlased ei olnud rumalad. Augud tehti piisavalt vaiksed, et nende vaiksed kehad sealt labi mahuksid, kuid Ameeriklaste jaoks oli see oudus unenagu,kuna nad jaid neisse pidevalt kinni.
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