On to the Mystical Isle of Zanzibar - Birthplace of Freddie Mercury (Keep me in mind next time you win Trivial Pursuit with that little Gem).
Keeping with the relaxing holiday theme, Zanzibar was a complete beach holiday. I would strongly recommend it to others, but bring a sense of adventure along with your Speedo. Stonetown is the island's main city and had it's hey day roughly forever ago. Today it's a decrepit place where just about everything has stuff growing on it, is falling apart, or both.
If you can get past the grime, the city has a tremendous amount of history. Omani, Chinese, Indians, Portuguese, British, they were all here and they all added to the melting pot. Stemming from Arabic influence, here I am honoring the former Sultan's place.
Something most people find fascinating is the doors of Stonetown (Once they get over the Freddie Mercury shock - and that can take days). Influenced by the Middle East and India, doorways became a sign of status on the island as today's coffee table books can attest. I was a big fan of the spikes; can anyone guess what they were for? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Elephant protection! Seriously. The spiked doors were influenced by Indians who used them back in India to prevent (now get this) "War Elephants" from knocking down the doors. Thankfully, there are no elephants on Zanzibar and the spikes are purely decorative.
I could go on and on about Zanzibar, but I'll just leave you with the sunsets. The sun seems to hang on just a little bit longer and glow a little bit oranger* in Zanzibar. You can see from the photo, words just don't do it justice.*Oranger is not technically a word, but this is my blog so what I say goes!
Lastly, the picture in the Estonian section with all of us half-submerged. This is classic. Took a walk along the beach in the morning, came back, beach was gone. Tides are the darndest things.
Zanzibar on saar, mis asub 2,5 h. praami soidu kaugusel Aafrika ida kaldast.Seal veetsime 3 ood, mis andis meile voimause puhata ja nautida fantast saare ranna elu. Ja seekord oobisime telkide asemel hotellis,mis oli paris monus vahelduseks(selles eest pidime muidugi lisa maksma.)
Yks hommik hakkasime oma vaikse grupiga mooda rannajoont kondima peatudes erinevates hotelli baarides ja vee aarsetes turgudes. Ja kui parast lounat otsutasime tagasi kondida, avastasime, et vesi oli nii palju tousnud, et meil ei olnud muud valikut kui leida soidu tee ja kondinda 1,5h. asemel 2,5h. et saada tagasi oma hotelli juurde. Kuigi paike oli tappev, lohutasime end sellega, et meil oligi parast pika-ajalist istumist tarvis vahe trenni teha.
Jargmine paev otsustasime aga uuesti minna teiste hotellide randa ja einestada nende hotellis, kuid plaanisime tulla piisavalt hilja tagasi, lootes et vesi on selleks ajaks tagasi alla lainud. Nagu pildi pealt naha ei olnud vesi meie hommikust liivast randa ikka veel paljastanud. Ja kui me joudsime rinnuni vette, soitis yks paat meist mooda, kes meid lahkelt peale korjas ja meid meie hotelli tagasi viis. (Muidu oleks vist meie rahakotid ja kaamerad vahe marjaks saanud.)
Jarjekordne ilus paikese loojang.
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