Walk with lions
Slightly different from the Cheetah park, walking with lions is part of an African-wide program to reer lions for re-population of parks. In the program, lions are born at the facility in Zimbabwe, raised semi-domestically until the age of 2, then released into the wild. This program has dramatically increased the likelyhood of new cubs reaching adulthood and has played a major role in increasing the population of lions throughout Africa.
By visiting the lion sancuary, you participate in the raising of the lions by taking them for a 1 hour walk at either sunrise or sunset. You walk as a pack and ensure the otherwise lazy lions get out and stretch their legs. The lions we walked with were 18 months old and nearing their release to a game park in South Africa.
In between walking sessions, which last approximately 5 min each and may cover 200 yards (I didn't realize that the "King of the Jungle" is basically the world's most lethal couch potato), you "play" with the lions.
At this point I'd like to turn your attention to the stick. This is the last line of defense between you and the 200lb cat that is lunging at you. During the play sessions the lions may practice pouncing. In the event they choose to pounce on you, you are instructed to stand your ground, point the stick at them and in an authoritative voice say "No Lion". Apparently this will curtail the attack and your life will be spared.
Needless to say shortly after this picture was taken the lion hit me with his tail, picked his head up, and growled - indicating that he wanted to play. Did I stand my ground? Heck No! I ran away whimpering like a schoolgirl. Would you stand your ground in the face of that beast? Best part is, they got it all on tape.
Jalle oli Inxil yks tore paev--ma sain jalle kiisudega jalutada ja neid katsuda. Aeg aga kahjuks lendas nii ruttu, et ma ei tahtnud kassikestega parast 2,5 h. ikka veel hyvasti jatta.
Paljud arvatavasti teavad, et kassidel on kare keel, kuid lovide keel on nagu liivapaber.
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