Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe
Okay, Inx is much better at blogging than I am. There, I said it. You can all stop sending me those emails now, you know who you are, the "Ingrid's doing a great job" and "I can't read Estonian" contingent. I know what you're getting at...
Anyway, Vic Falls. Biggest waterfall in the world by length, named by English explorer John Livingston in roughly 1852, Umpteen million liters of water and 24 crocodiles per year...Blah, Blah, Blah. You're talking to someone from upstate New York here, I basically grew up at Niagara Falls (Read - One time I took a school bus there with 73 howling children when I was 9). Vic falls ain't got nothin' on Niagara. Now I'm not saying Vic falls was a let down or you shouldn't try to get there, and I concede that crocodiles over the falls tops crazies-in-barrels over the falls, but Niagara falls is where it's at. Funny that I'd have to travel half way across the globe just to put Niagara falls into perspective. For those of you that can't make it, NIAGARA FALLS IS FREAKING HUGE! SERIOUSLY....HUGE.
On the adrenaline note, we did have a blast in this part of the world. I did "The Gorge Swing", which meant I jumped off the edge of the gorge with a static (read - Non-Bungee snap your back) cord wrapped around my waist into a 70 meter free fall followed by a highspeed "superman" across the gorge. I did a handstand my first time and dropped backwards the second time*. In other action news, Adam and Ingrid participated in a full-day whitewater rafting excursion on the Zambezi. Good times with class 5 rapids, one class 6 (we walked round that one), and two flips of the raft. The most exciting portion of the day was signing the waivers that included "participant may be harmed or consumed by crocodile".
* For those keeping track, Adam jumped 2 times. Yes, Katie Jumped 3 times. Whopteedo. She cried when she did it so she's disqualified.
Vic Falls on100 m. korgune ja 1700 m. laiune kosk ja seetottu suurim maailmas.
Selle vahelt lookleb Zambezi jogi, kus me kaisime Adamiga raftimas(kummi paadiga veel). Me labisime 19 erinevat koske/kukkumist, mis olid hinnatud enamuses 4-sed ja 5-sed raskuselt.
Nendest kahel korral laks meie paat ymber ja yhel korral jain ma ka paadi alla mis tundus olevat 15-20 min. hirmu soit. Kuid mottes kordasin pidevalt mida juht ytles, et reaalsuses on see vaid 2-4 sekundit. Lopuks tombas Adam mind sealt valja ja paaste paadi abiga aidati mind ja teisi soudjaid tagasi meie paadi juurde millele me parast ymber pooramiset tagasi ronisime ja jargmise kukkumise jaoks end valmistasime. (sellest kahjuks pilte ei ole, kuna sinna ei saanud loomulikult fotokat kaasa votta).
Jargmine paev olid aga lihased valusad, mitte kyll aga soudmisest, vaid maest alla ja yles ronimisest, mis vottis ainult 30 min, kuid see eest oli see jarsk ja vasitav.
Anyway, Vic Falls. Biggest waterfall in the world by length, named by English explorer John Livingston in roughly 1852, Umpteen million liters of water and 24 crocodiles per year...Blah, Blah, Blah. You're talking to someone from upstate New York here, I basically grew up at Niagara Falls (Read - One time I took a school bus there with 73 howling children when I was 9). Vic falls ain't got nothin' on Niagara. Now I'm not saying Vic falls was a let down or you shouldn't try to get there, and I concede that crocodiles over the falls tops crazies-in-barrels over the falls, but Niagara falls is where it's at. Funny that I'd have to travel half way across the globe just to put Niagara falls into perspective. For those of you that can't make it, NIAGARA FALLS IS FREAKING HUGE! SERIOUSLY....HUGE.
On the adrenaline note, we did have a blast in this part of the world. I did "The Gorge Swing", which meant I jumped off the edge of the gorge with a static (read - Non-Bungee snap your back) cord wrapped around my waist into a 70 meter free fall followed by a highspeed "superman" across the gorge. I did a handstand my first time and dropped backwards the second time*. In other action news, Adam and Ingrid participated in a full-day whitewater rafting excursion on the Zambezi. Good times with class 5 rapids, one class 6 (we walked round that one), and two flips of the raft. The most exciting portion of the day was signing the waivers that included "participant may be harmed or consumed by crocodile".
* For those keeping track, Adam jumped 2 times. Yes, Katie Jumped 3 times. Whopteedo. She cried when she did it so she's disqualified.
Vic Falls on100 m. korgune ja 1700 m. laiune kosk ja seetottu suurim maailmas.
Selle vahelt lookleb Zambezi jogi, kus me kaisime Adamiga raftimas(kummi paadiga veel). Me labisime 19 erinevat koske/kukkumist, mis olid hinnatud enamuses 4-sed ja 5-sed raskuselt.
Nendest kahel korral laks meie paat ymber ja yhel korral jain ma ka paadi alla mis tundus olevat 15-20 min. hirmu soit. Kuid mottes kordasin pidevalt mida juht ytles, et reaalsuses on see vaid 2-4 sekundit. Lopuks tombas Adam mind sealt valja ja paaste paadi abiga aidati mind ja teisi soudjaid tagasi meie paadi juurde millele me parast ymber pooramiset tagasi ronisime ja jargmise kukkumise jaoks end valmistasime. (sellest kahjuks pilte ei ole, kuna sinna ei saanud loomulikult fotokat kaasa votta).
Jargmine paev olid aga lihased valusad, mitte kyll aga soudmisest, vaid maest alla ja yles ronimisest, mis vottis ainult 30 min, kuid see eest oli see jarsk ja vasitav.
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