Sunday, October 08, 2006

Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta experience was a 3 day camping trip into the inner sections of the Delta. To gain access to the remote areas of the worlds largest inland Delta, we took advantage of the local Mokoro vessels. Mokoros are single piece boats carved from Sausage trees. They would be the nautical equivalent of the Low-rider. Nerves are tested as you, and all your belongings, are asked to settle into a boat that just doesn't look like it's going to make it. Adding to your fears are the bailing sponges and absorbent hay each mokoro is outfitted with.

In the end, we make it. Not so high and relatively dry we set up bush camp on a large island 3.5 hours mokoro ride deep in the delta. For the next 3 days we commune with nature while taking in the wildlife through "walking safaris". A walking safari is, like the sharks, nature roulette. Not 10 meters from camp you get that hot flash, followed by "what the heck am I doing here" feeling that comes with entering lion territory without a very large gun. (scroll down for more english)

Botswanas oli meil voimalik veeta kaks fantast ood Okavanga Deltal-see on suur veekogu, mis lihtsalt jookseb Namibiast tulevast joest valgudes laiali suurel korkjal maapinnal.
Soit saarele oli Mokorodes(puust kanuud), kuhu mahtus 2 inimest ja Poler(juht), kes meid pysti seistes pika kepiga vees, korkjate vahel lykkas. Yks ots kestis kusagil 3h.

Seal panime jalle telgid pysti ja laksime jalutuskaikudele et loomi ja jalajalgi naha, kuid seekord jala, kus meie enda jalad ja moistus meid ohu korral kaitsevad.
Jarjekordeslt nagime igasugu eelmainitud loomi. Kuid seekord oli kahjuks yks emane Wildabeast mingil pohjusel enne otsa loppenud, kui tal onnestus poeg ara synnitada. Tagant oli naha kuidas vaiksed jalad rippusid valja, kuid me ei hakka seda pilti hetkel teiega jagama. Kyll oli aga naha et lovid ei olnud veel jaole joudnud, kuid Haiina oli oma osa ara narinud.

It was on the walking safari that the following photos were taken. First, was the partially enjoyed wilderbeest (yes, that is how you spell wilderbeest - Trust me, I'm the one in Africa) carcass. You can see from the photo that Ingrid and I had slightly different reactions to this find.

Next was the evidence that elephants were common in the area. Make that VERY LARGE elephants. The hole Ingrid is sitting in is an elephant footprint.

Teine huvitav kokkupuude oli elevantidega.
Koigepealt tegime pilti nende poolt maha lykatud puudest, suurtest jalajalgedest kuhu ma mahtusin sisse istuma ja kakast, kuid parast oli meil isegi voimalik nendega koos hommikut einestada.

Elevandid on suured loomad, kuid vaga vaiksed. Sa ei pruugigi neid enne margatagi kui hakkad suurt halli kivi poosa taga jalgima, mis aeg ajalt liigub.Ja siis taipad, et tegemist on elevandiga.

Saaarelt tagasi tulles jooksid jaanalinnud meie teele ja selle asemel et peatuda ja lasta lindudel minna yle tee, otsustas meie auto juht astuda gaasile et siis meile demonstreerida kui kiirelt linnud suudavad joosta.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Etosha national park

Bring on the English!!!

Okay, I'm back in the saddle and updating the ethnic portion of the blog. After departing Swakopmond, Namibia we headed North to Etosha National Park. Etosha park surrounds a massive salt pan and is a great location for Viewing the wildlife. Etosha is reknowned for it's watering holes which, like Ireland, is the center of community life.

These Eiree orange photos were taken in the evening, when the "Big Game" come out of hiding for a drink.

My highlight of the park had to be the Rhino fight between a female Rhino with calf and a Male. They would stare each other down, grunt at each other (which sounded like a semi-truck coming at you at 100MPH), then crash into each other.

Well they tried to crash into each other.

Turns out Rhinos have horrific eyesight. There were a few attempts when they completely missed one another, stood next to each other in that awkward "I just tripped on the stairs, do you think anyone noticed, can't say for sure, just act cool" kinda way, backed up, then charged each other again. I never imagened a Rhino fight would be so comical. Keeping up with the "having a laugh with nature" theme, we had a blast playing with the wildlife in our camps. We talked a reluctant family of Pumba's (A.K.A. Warthogs) into playing football with us, the mongoose were quick to shake hands and climb legs, and the Salt pan provided the backdrop for the "I dream of Genie" photos.

Finally, Ingrid's favorite event of Etosha was when we came across a zebra kill at sunrise (yes, I was awake at sunrise - took a picture to prove it). We learned about the dining methods of the lions, particularly the rear end to underbelly method. As the female lion was enjoying her meal, she would keep her eye on us through the Zebra. That's right, Through the Zebra, see picture and use imagination.So that brings our adventures in Etosha to a close. The last pictures you see below in the Estonian secion include the massive bird nests of the weaver birds (yes it's sideways) and the aforementioned sunrise photo in Etosha.

Etoshas oli meil voimalik soita ringi kilomeetrite viisi et siis vaadata koik voimalikke loomi nagu igasugu kitselisi, kaelkirjakuid, elevante, ninasarvikuid, zebrasid jne.
Huvitavaim oli aga vaadata kuidas yks lovi mamma naris Zebra kallal, kellelt puudus tagumik ja kogu sisikond.

Peatusime jalle nagu alati pargis, kus me oma telgid yles panime ja ohtust soime. Seekord olime aga rahvuspargis, kus vaid aed eraldas meid loomadest ja meil oli voimalus vaadata kuidas loomad tulid veelombi aarde janu kustutama. Osad loomad nagu Jackals(koera moodi), Bumba-(multifilm lovi kuningast) ja Meerkat, Timon(samuti multikast) ei hoolinud aga ei varavatest ega inimestest, kondides meie telkide vahel ja norides syya.
Bumbaa mangis poistega ka jalgpalli.

Etosha Pan(pann) oli suur maa ala, kus kunagi oli vesi, kuid nyyd ei nainud muud kui lopmatut tyhjust. Kuid nagu pildilt naha, fantast koht nalja piltideks.

Huvitavad linnupesad!
Parimad paikse loojangud ja tousud mida mina oma elus olen nainud olid Namibias, Botswanas ja siin, Zimbabweis.

Kahjuks ei saa ma pildi positsiooni muuta, vaadake kylili!